10 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier Life

yoga pose

It’s a new year which means a improved version of you. Right? Have you set a resolution for this year? I’m all about a fresh start as I try to find and embrace a work-life balance this year. Besides trying to find a better balance, what other ways can you live a healthier life?

10 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier Life

You don’t need to go to extremes to live a healthier life. I’m all about simple fixes to help me live a healthier life.

1.) Exercise your body.

Find an exercise that you enjoy doing. Next, get up and be active. It’s that simple. Why spend your time doing an exercise that you don’t enjoy? Love to run? Then run. Love to do yoga? Then do yoga. Love to lift weights? Then lift weights. If you do something you love, then you’ll want to do more of it. Also, it’s always fun to change up the exercise routine. Not only will it keep you interested in exercising, but it will also confuse the body ending up in great results.

2.) Exercise your brain.

Your brain needs exercise as well. Be sure to read a book, work on puzzles, color, quiz yourself on trivia questions, research, etc. You need to keep your mind and brain sharp.

3.) Enjoy a balanced diet.

Eat your fruits and veggies. Make sure that your plate is colorful. I love chocolate but I treat chocolate as a special treat that I only enjoy every once in a while. It’s all about exercising and practicing willpower. Try to not keep as much junk food and/or snacks in the house. If those items are in the house, then it’s easy to rely on them to fill you up throughout the day. Keep fruits and veggies easily accessible.

4.) Get sleep.

How many hours of sleep do you need every night? Find ways to get that much sleep. Do you need to go to bed earlier? Shut down electronics a few hours before bed to feel more rested? Create a nighttime routine? Sleep is so important and I’m finding that our more and more as my child gets older and more active.

5.) Strive to find a work-life balance.

I’m a workaholic at heart. For me, it’s super tough to turn off work. Before we had our son, I would easily put in 80 hour work weeks. When our son arrived, I had a mental shift. All of a sudden, I found it a bit easier to turn off work and spend more quality time with my little family. It’s important to find a work-life balance. This is my resolution this year.

6.) Get fresh air.

Stayed cooped up indoors all day every day is not healthy for a body. You need to get outside and get fresh air. Walk around your neighborhood, take a stroll to the nearest coffee shop, play fetch with the dog, draw on the sidewalk with your child … find easy ways to escape outside and get fresh air.

7.) Drink more water.

Drinking more water is definitely something that I need to work on this year. Here are simple ways to drink more water.

8.) Enjoy “me time.”

All of us wear so many hats. From mother to father, sister to brother, daughter to son, employee to employer … most days can be filled with exhausting minutes that lead to tiresome hours. We wake up early, go to bed late, and always feel connected. We are all busy. Many of us are beyond tired. Here are simple ways to find more “me time.”

9.) Start the day happy.

Set the tone for the day by starting each day happy. Here are simple ways to start each day happy.

10.) Purge negativity.

Clear out the clutter in your home using these simple tips. Use fun kitchen tools to get organized in the kitchen. Organize items in your home using baskets. Create a photo gallery wall in your home to remind you of happy memories. Part ways with negative people and stay close with positive people. Be sure to purge the negativity in your life, get organized, keep loved ones close, and enjoy a more positive life.

What’s your favorite healthy living tip?

Note: I am not a health expert. I’m just sharing simple tips that I think you’ll love.

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