What’s Your Favorite Movie?

Jane (MERYL STREEP) and new love interest Adam (STEVE MARTIN) share a meal in the new film from writer/director/producer Nancy Meyers, ?It?s Complicated?, a comedy about love, divorce and everything in between.

I’ve never really been a big movie watcher. I grew up in a family where we would rarely go to the theater or rent a movie. If, and when we did, it was a big deal.

And then I married into a family that is all about movies. They can recite all sorts of movie lines and have full on lengthy conversations about movie plots. So, as a result, I’ve gotten a bit more into movies since marrying into my husband’s family.

Now that I’m watching movies more often, I’ve noticed that I’m not really into watching a movie over and over again. When I watch it once, I know what’s going to happen. So, why watch it over and over and over again? That’s just my opinion.

With that being said … there are, however, a handful of movies that I can, in fact, watch over and over again. Why? They are cute, make me feel good, are happy, and kind of like brain candy. My mind is always on the go as I cross off the hundreds of items on my checklist. To sit down and watch my favorite movies or have them on the television as background noise is nice because I don’t have to focus on the movie too much to know what’s going on throughout the film.

Plus, these movies are usually on one of our channels so it’s nice to turn on a free movie, have it be one of my favorites, and enjoy time spent having it play on the television.

Five Favorite Movies

Here are five movies that I can watch over and over again.

  • Something’s Gotta Give
  • Bridesmaids
  • The Holiday
  • The Devil Wears Prada
  • It’s Complicated

I guess you could say I’m a sucker for a good chick flick. I love movies that make you think and try to figure out the ending. But, when it comes down to it, a good chick flick can easily make my list of favorite movies.

What are your favorite movies?

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