On Taking Care of Yourself

flower on table

The other day while I was getting ready for a holiday party, I found myself in my closet playing out the all-time familiar “I have nothing to wear” episode.

I tried on about five shirts (and noticed that none of them fit me properly anymore or they had tiny holes in the front of them … I seriously don’t know why all of my shirts get those darn holes).

As for pants, I put on my black and grey skinny jeans, my flare jeans, and then went back to my trusty ‘ole dark blue skinny jeans. I put on a black top that I bought forever ago, my tan boots that have seen better days (just the other day, my husband asked if my boots were broken … nope, just worn a bit too much), and my jeans.

Black top, dark blue skinny jeans, and tan boots. That is my uniform on a daily basis. Oh, and sometimes I throw in yoga pants around the home for the extra comfort.

After I was upstairs for quite a while, my husband yelled up the stairs, “Jen, is everything OK up there?” I shouted down a quick and frustrated, “Yes.”

I came downstairs and told my husband that I needed new clothes. I don’t really remember the last time I went shopping for myself. I love buying clothes for my son but always seem to forget about myself. So, I’m left scrounging up outfits as I try to piece myself together and look presentable.

Thankfully, my husband had my son walk up to me and say, “Pretty.” That immediately put a smile on my face and I was ready to go to the party.

So, what did I do yesterday? After dropping off my son, I did some last-minute holiday shopping for my son and for myself. Yes, I bought some shirts and pants … for myself. Today, I did a bit more holiday shopping, came across amazing sales, and bought myself two new pairs of boots.

You guys. I’m so excited. I texted my husband and said, “I’m actually going to look put together now!”

Yes, this sounds a bit commercial, narcissistic, self-indulgent, shallow … the list can go on and on. But, when I really think hard about it … As soon as I became a Mom, something switched. I no longer focused on myself as much. I’m so focused on trying to provide the best for my son and balance all of the other elements of my life that I often lose sight of myself.

So, during my monthlong work sabbatical, I’m going to try and rediscover myself. Here’s what I have in mind:

  • Buy new clothes – Done.
  • Start working out – After the holidays.
  • Get more sleep – A work in progress.
  • Try and find a work-life balance – A work in progress
  • Get all of my photos organized – After my birthday (in a few days) since I asked for a photo printer
  • Get a haircut (I haven’t had a haircut in 8 months … before that, it was 18 months … yikes) – Trying for that today
  • Create a writing schedule for my blog – A work in progress

I never really like to focus on myself but if I keep going at the pace that I’ve been keeping, I don’t think I’m being fair to my husband, son, and myself.

self care

That’s right. How can you take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself? Yes, it might seem self-indulgent at first. I’m struggling with it right now. But, I’m confident that after focusing on myself every once in a while, I will only continue to provide an even better version of myself to my family and friends.

I’m excited to see where this will take me. Are you willing to start taking care of yourself?

How are you taking care of yourself?

Photo via Pexels.

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