Finding Work-Life Balance

working on computer

I spend a lot of time on my computer working, blogging, researching, and reading. When I wake up in the morning, I check my email on my phone and scroll through my social media accounts to get caught up.

Throughout the day, I’m hopping on and off the computer as I respond to emails, write blog posts, and promote on social media.

When my head hits the pillow, I do one last check of emails, respond to anything that’s urgent, and scroll through my social media accounts one last time before I shut it down and fall asleep.

Does this sound familiar? Yes, we live in a world where everyone loves to be connected through technology. Technology is truly amazing. Being able to stay connected with family and friends all via a phone (whether it be calls, texts, or social media updates) is downright awesome.

But, what about finding that work-life balance? Trying to juggle being a wife, mom, friend, co-worker, daughter, etc. can be tricky. Don’t you agree?

So, what are your favorite ways of

Finding Work-Life Balance?

I’m a workaholic at heart. For me, it’s super tough to turn off work. Before we had our son, I would easily put in 80 hour work weeks. When our son arrived, I had a mental shift. All of a sudden, I found it a bit easier to turn off work and spend more quality time with my little family.

Family has always been a priority of mine so adding a baby to the mix just skyrocketed that priority. Yes, I was (and still am) putting in a lot of work hours every week but I’ve become very aware of also being able to turn work off to spend quality time with my husband and son.

Thankfully, as a five year anniversary present to me, my boss at Mom It Forward gave me a paid sabbatical. Yes, this is my first day of my monthlong sabbatical and it truly hasn’t hit me yet that I get to spend the next month work-free. *gasp*

From tackling projects around the home to spending quality time with my family to taking care of myself to helping myself find the mythical work-life balance … I could not be more excited (and a little freaked out … that’s the workaholic in me talking).

So …

How do you find work / life balance?

Photo via Pexels.

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