healthy living

5 Simple Tips to Reduce Snacking

As a work-at-home, stay-at-home mom, I’m all too familiar with the concept of snacking/grazing. With a desk all set up in our home, I have the ability to lock myself in a room when one child is at school and the other child is napping so that I can get work done on the computer….

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4 Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Everyone of us would probably agree on the claim that health is the most valuable thing we have, without which we cannot move on and perform properly. However, it is true that we often forget to take care of it, unless we get ill or simply smashed down by the intensity of everyday tasks. It’s…

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10 Simple Ways to Live a Healthier Life

It’s a new year which means a improved version of you. Right? Have you set a resolution for this year? I’m all about a fresh start as I try to find and embrace a work-life balance this year. Besides trying to find a better balance, what other ways can you live a healthier life? 10…

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On Taking Care of Yourself

The other day while I was getting ready for a holiday party, I found myself in my closet playing out the all-time familiar “I have nothing to wear” episode. I tried on about five shirts (and noticed that none of them fit me properly anymore or they had tiny holes in the front of them ……

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