Finding Time to Pamper Yourself

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You’re probably reading the title of this post and laughing. “Finding me time to pamper myself? Yeah right.” Trust me. I have the same reaction. Between balancing being a mom and wife and working a full-time work-at-home job, I barely have time to drink water let alone pamper myself.

For Mother’s Day, I spent the day celebrating with my boys (husband, son, and two pups). It was exactly what I wanted to do. To me, Mother’s Day isn’t about spending time away from my kiddo, especially since he is the one who made me a mom.

Since we were at the lake house for the weekend, we packed a cooler, packed a bag, and headed out on the boat. We spent hours on the boat listening to music, rocking to the waves, enjoying a picnic on the floor of the boat, and chatting. When the sun started to hide on us, we headed back to the house to pick up Chinese takeout and a Redbox movie (by the way, if you haven’t seen Burnt with Bradley Cooper, then you must watch it ASAP). After we put our son to bed, we cuddled up on the couch, devoured Chinese food, and watched the movie. It was an awesome day.

For my Mother’s Day gift, my husband and son gave me a super cute card filled with all sorts of fun coupons that I can’t wait to hand out to my son and husband. My husband also told me that he scheduled a mani/pedi for me yesterday at 5:00 p.m. sharp.

A mani/pedi? Just for me? I couldn’t remember the last time I had my nails done. And, since I kicked the nail biting habit to the curb, my fingernails were in desperate need of some TLC.

pamper yourself

Yesterday, after we returned home from the lake house, my son was feeling super cuddly and I wasn’t feeling so well. We curled up on the couch together … him drooling on me while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I tried to keep my eyes open.

At 4:30 p.m., my husband came over to the couch and said, “It’s time to get ready to go to your appointment.” I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to leave. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. My husband told me, “You need this appointment. You need to get pampered.”

So, I reluctantly got off the couch, freshened up, hopped in the car and headed to my appointment.

Two hours later, after the appointment ended, my husband took a look at my nails and asked, “How do you feel?” I said, “I feel like a girl.” For the tomboy that I usually am, it was such a nice departure. I felt refreshed and renewed. The bottom of my feet felt amazing. My nails were pink and pretty. I felt great.

My husband told me that we need to find a way to maintain this for not only my health but also to help keep me feeling great. I totally agreed. I couldn’t believe I let my nails and feet go like that. I seriously can’t stop looking at the bottom of my feet. Weird, right? But, they haven’t felt or looked this great in such a long time.

So, the moral of the story? We’re all busy. We’re all running a million miles a minute with endless to do lists. But, it’s so important to take care of yourself.

You deserve to be pampered. You deserve to be taken care of. You deserve to focus on you.

self care

So, my husband and I created a simple plan to have me keep getting manis/pedis on a regular basis. I don’t need to go every week, or every other week. I would like to go once a month to stay on top of caring for myself. It may seem superficial but I can also say that looking down at my pretty nails gives me a little pep in my step.

And a special thanks goes out to my husband for making my Mother’s Day extra special … and for forcing me to pamper myself.

How will you find time to pamper yourself this week?

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