Simple Trick to Maintain Your Vacuum Cleaner

Diligent hand of housewife vacuuming dust with vacuum cleaner

When was the last time you cleaned the filter in your vacuum cleaner? Don’t be shy. Raise of hands?

Did you know that if you clean the filter in your vacuum, you can extend the life of your vacuum, maintain the suction power of your vacuum, and improve the smell of your vacuum cleaner?

Because we have two big black dogs and a two-year-old, our floors tend to get messy quickly. I find that I’m always vacuuming our main floor. Because dog hair has a tendency to fill up the vacuum and pet dander can stink up the vacuum, I find that by cleaning out my vacuum’s filters at least once a month, I have been able to maintain the quality of my vacuum.

So, when the vacuum seems to not be performing as well as it should or if it smells a little stinky, I simply remove the filters, empty them in the trashcan, rinse them out with soap and water, dry them, and then replace the filters. What has been helpful is that I purchased a second sponge filter. That way, when the sponge is drying, I can pop in my replacement and get to work vacuuming the floors in our home.

When I was about to vacuum our floors today, I quickly cleaned out the filters (it took all of five minutes), and I got to work. The difference between a dirty and clean vacuum cleaner is always noticeable.

Please be sure to refer to your owner’s manual for the proper vacuum cleaner filter cleaning technique.

When was the last time you cleaned out your vacuum’s filters?

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  1. Thanks for sharing this great informative article. We spend so much time trying to preserve the life of our carpets, flooring and furniture with careful cleaning that we often forget to look after an important tool of the trade – the vacuum cleaner. It sure does take a beating from week to week, especially if you are a diligent or fussy cleaner.

    Yes, it becomes much difficult to keep house clean when you have small kids and have to clean the floor frequently to serve a dust and allergy free environment in our home. I really liked your personal story. I clean my home once a week with vacuum cleaner. So, the article will help me much to save my vacuum for longer times.

    Generally, I wash my vacuum filter after every 3 months because of its complex feature. Though right now, I have to rethink again and make it washable bi-monthly. Finally, I think, by bearing these tips in mind, I can extend the life of my vacuum and keep it working at its best for longer. Thanks again for sharing this great tips.


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