5 Ways to Brighten Your Morning

morning routine

I’m kind of a night owl since I enjoy the quiet house once every has gone to bed. When the house is quiet and the dogs are cuddled up next to me on the couch, I can squeeze in the right amount of  “me time” as I wind down for the night and crawl into bed. From writing for this site to watching cooking shows, that small amount of time that I do get every night helps me wind down from the busy day.

Would I love to sleep in until at least 8:00 a.m. everyday? Yes. Does my two-year-old have other plans for me every morning? Yes. When I hear him start to wake up around 6:45/7:00 a.m. everyday, I know that he is ready to hit the ground running which means that I need to be the same way. Groggy or not groggy.

I try to aim for “not groggy” everyday but some mornings I can barely keep my eyes open. Who’s with me on that?

morning routines

5 Ways to Brighten Your Morning

What are simple ways to brighten your morning, especially if you’re feeling on the groggy side?

1.) Create a Morning Routine

Creating a morning routine is key to keeping schedules organized, maintained, and set. Yes, there are some things that might happen to throw a wrench into the system. But, for the most part, our morning routines are the same day in and day out.

Dropping our son off at school a few days a week has helped me create a morning routine. When I first start to hear him stir in the morning, I hop in the shower, get myself ready, get him ready, and within 45 minutes we are headed out the door and to his school.

Once home, I make myself breakfast, enjoy coffee, and hop on the computer to crank out work until I have to pick him up from school in the afternoon. By getting ready first thing in the morning, I’m all set to conquer the rest of the day.

2.) Make The Bed

That task doesn’t sound like much fun, does it? When I get out of bed, I love to open the curtains and make my bed.
You don’t have to be elaborate when it comes to making the bed. Simply pull the sheets tight, tuck them, pull your comforter neatly into place, arrange your pillows, and be done with it.

With just a few simple moves, in under a minute you’ll have a bed that is made and looking great. Plus, you’ll enjoy a sense of accomplishment and the creation of a healthy habit.

3.) Eat Breakfast

As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To me, breakfast doesn’t have to be elaborate. I prefer something that will keep me energized so I usually opt for a bowl of cereal, fruit, juice, and coffee.

4.) Start the Day Happy

As soon as the alarm goes off or you hear the baby in the monitor, try to embrace the day ahead of you. Here are 10 simple ways to help you start the day happy.

5.) Drink More Water

Yes, I need to listen to my own advice. But, you guys, it’s so important to drink more water, especially in the morning. Drinking a glass of water at the beginning of each day can do wonders for your mind and body. So, how can you drink more water?

  • Make it a morning habit
  • Add lemon, strawberries, or cucumber to the glass to help add flavor
  • Give yourself reminders throughout the day via notes, an app, calendar, etc.
  • Drink out of a water bottle
  • Set daily goals

Recently, I picked up a water bottle that holds eight glasses of water and has clear markings of each glass. That way, I can set goals for myself every day. I’m trying to get into the habit of filling the bottle up every morning and sipping out of it throughout the day.

How do you brighten your morning?

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