10 Favorite Things: Issue No. 7


You guys. We got hit by a snowstorm. I’m talking blizzard. Yes, one minute there was no snow on the ground. The next minute, we had three feet of snow on the ground. The #blizzard2016 happened last weekend and people are still trying to find normalcy. It was truly incredible. And the best part? I was snowed in with my husband, son, and two dogs.

We stockpiled the refrigerator and pantry, got the candles ready, hunkered down, and enjoyed time spent with each other as we watched in awe as the snow continued to fall … and fall … and fall.

Last year, when we had a big snowstorm, it was so fun to take our son outside. Even though he was so little and couldn’t play in it, I could tell that he was a big fan of snow. This year was a whole new ball game. When it was safe to go outside, I bundled him up and watched as his face lit up at the sight of the snow.

His first move? Well, he ran straight to the football, of course. This kid is seriously the biggest football fan … and he’s only two. His next move? A voluntary faceplant into the snow. From helping his daddy shovel to throwing his football into the snow to running all over the cul-de-sac entertaining neighbors while they shoveled and snowplowed, this kid is definitely a big fan of snow.

10 Favorite Things

1.) The blizzard because we had so much fun as a family watching the snow fall, digging out, and enjoying time spent with each other. Oh, and neighbors. It’s amazing to see our neighborhood get together and help neighbors out. So cool.

2.) Our son is suddenly in love with dinosaurs (or rather “dee-so-sores). Listening to him say the word is just the cutest. He can’t get enough of his dee-so-sores pj pants and his dee-so-sore toy.

3.) As I’m typing this my wedding first dance song just started playing on my Pandora station: Angel by Jack Johnson. Who else loves this song? What was (or is going to be) your wedding song?

4.) Watching our dog Tugboat (pictured above) romp around in the snow is a special treat. He was built for snow. He’s a big dog and it snowed so much that I could only see his tail, head, and back between leaps and bounds through the snow. I’ve never seen a dog love snow as much as Tugalug.

5.) Booties are quickly becoming my favorite shoe. Here’s a pair that has my eye right now. These are super cute too.

6.) Rotisserie chickens from the grocery store. Do you realize how many things you can cook with them? This week, I made a chicken and gravy dinner with roasted Brussels sprouts and homemade redskin mashed potatoes. Talk about comfort food. I love using rotisserie chicken for soups, casseroles … the possibilities are endless. Simplification at its finest … and yummiest.

7.) Pretzel Peanut Caramel Bars? Ummm … yes, yes, yes, and yes … please.

8.) I love beautiful open shelving kitchens. Here are some really great ideas. Do you love this look?

9.) We moved into our home a little over a year ago. One of our first tasks was to change out some of the light fixtures on the mail living floor. Now that we have crossed a lot of other to do list items off the list, we’re back to working on replacing the remaining light fixtures throughout our home. I love shopping for lights. There are so many unique designs on the market. We’re going for the industrial, rustic, farmhouse look in our home. We purchased this light for our kitchen area when we first moved into the house. I think this is hands-down my favorite light fixture we have purchased as a couple to date.

10.) I was clipping the dogs’ nails yesterday. After I was done, our son asked for the dog nail clippers, walked up to our dog Caster, grabbed his paw, and tried to clip his nails (I had the safety guard set). My heart melted as I snapped a photo of the moment. Seriously … so cute. I love how our son is trying to “parrot” our movements and sayings. What a fun age.

What’s your favorite thing from the past week?

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