Bumps and Bruises

As a mother, you only want the best for your child. You are their number one fan, biggest supporter, cheering section, teacher, and confidant. You shower your child with love and are constantly toeing the line between allowing your child to grow and allowing your child to experience life to the fullest, all while trying to allow your child to learn a sense of independence. You want to be there to dry their tears, comfort their souls, and catch their falls. And then one day, it happens. They fall and you aren’t there to catch them.

You hear the scream, see your child look for your comforting arms, and become overwhelmed with worry. Your mama bear kicks into high gear as you rush to your child, scoop him into your arms, and comfort him as you dry his eyes.

That was me the other day. Talk about heartbreaking.

We were just about to enter the church for his baptism meeting. To help him get out some energy, I allowed my son to run around the sidewalk area. And that’s when it happened. One small step led to a trip and a fall … and a scraped nose.

But, as with any kid, my son was strong, brave, and resilient. After a bit of TLC, he was right back to running around like nothing happened.

That’s just it … no matter how much we try to protect our children, there comes a time when they fall. It’s those moments that teach them that they can overcome the fall, that they are brave, that they are strong, that they are resilient.

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I know that fall is the first of many. He might break some bones, get more cuts and scrapes, and have bruise-covered knees. I’ll be there as his mama bear, constantly toeing the line as I watch him grow and learn. And, the wonderful part about it, is that I, too, will grow and learn.

Oh, the balancing act of motherhood … and the bumps and bruises of toddlerhood.

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