Playing with Pots and Pans

He has blocks, books, walkers, tractors, cars, puzzles, stuffed animals, and all sorts of other toys that can occupy, teach, entertain, and enlighten. But, we’re in the toddler phase which can only mean one thing. Why play with the toys when our son can get play with outlets, cords, dog bowls, and cabinet doors? Our son is always uncovering and discovering new items throughout the house. The most recent find were the cabinet doors which led him to the pots and pans. Yes, we’ve entered the pots and pans phase.

My days consist of playing with our son, sending emails, writing documents, taking photographs, having client calls, spending time with my husband, taking care of the dogs, doing chores around the house, cooking meals, running errands, trying to get fresh air, and making sure that my son isn’t getting into trouble. In other words, it’s nothing but a constant balancing act which I’m trying to master every day.

Yesterday, my husband and I were talking in the kitchen. The next thing we knew, we heard the clomp clomp clomp of our son crawling into the kitchen. He sat himself down between us, opened the cabinet door, and began pulling out the lids to the pots and pans. 
One-by-one, he would pull them out, place them into a large pile, put them back onto the drawer, close the cabinet door, and start all over again. He sat there keeping himself quietly entertained as I talked with my husband all while trying to keep my neat/clean freak side under control. That’s definitely one thing that parenthood has taught me. You have to stay on top of the messes and clutter but you also have to allow your kids to play, grow, and explore.
What will he uncover tomorrow? Only time will tell.

What is your kid’s favorite toy right now?

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