Kids Say and Do the Darndest Things

Kids say and do the darndest things. My son calls me “cow.” He laughs at just about everything. His favorite word is “dog.” Whenever my husband asks him to say “mama” he responds with “dada.” He learns how to say “hockey” and might heart just about melts. One day he’s crawling, the next day he’s standing up by himself without any support (and has the proudest smile while doing so). He picks up on my every movement and loves to mimic me. So, naturally, he loves paper towel. Yes, he loves paper towel just about as much as his mama. Oh boy … watch out.

The other day, I handed him a piece of paper towel and what happened next was hilarious and shocking. He took it in his hand and began to wipe down the coffee table. From one side of the table to the other. From the top of the table to the bottom. In circular motions, he wiped down the table … and my jaw just about hit the floor. I couldn’t hold back my laughter and he couldn’t hold back from cleaning. Oh. My. Word.

He is constantly defining “like mama like son” and I love every ounce of it.

What was the funniest thing your child has done lately?


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