
The Hardest and Best Job in the World

A mother’s love is quite an incredible thing. Her patience is put to the test. Her understanding has no boundaries. Her shoulders can feel the weight of the world. Her mind never seems to stop worrying, caring, thinking. Her eyelids can feel so heavy at times. Her body can go through so many changes. Her…

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Neutral Playroom with No-Sew Teepee

When I get an idea in my head, there’s usually no stopping me. It kind of becomes all-consuming and I usually start putting plans into place almost immediately. Take for example the most recent change that took place in our house. On Saturday, I posted a playroom inspiration board since my husband and I agreed…

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Playing with Pots and Pans

He has blocks, books, walkers, tractors, cars, puzzles, stuffed animals, and all sorts of other toys that can occupy, teach, entertain, and enlighten. But, we’re in the toddler phase which can only mean one thing. Why play with the toys when our son can get play with outlets, cords, dog bowls, and cabinet doors? Our son…

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Being Defiant and Conquering Clubfoot

I remember the moment the pediatrician walked into my room the day after he was born. The doctor talked about our son’s vital signs, told us that he was a big and healthy baby boy, mentioned that he had signs of clubfoot, and then handed us a referral slip to a pediatric orthopaedist. He had what?…

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Blueberry Surprise Easter Egg Hunt

In celebration of Easter this year, my sister-in-law thought of the perfect Easter egg hunt for my son. Why was it perfect? It involved blueberries. And let me tell you … my son is completely obsessed with blueberries. Instead of filling the plastic eggs with candy, she filled them with blueberries and then hid them…

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Hello, Spring. We love you.

Open the windows, let in the fresh air, spend time outside, and enjoy the sunlight … that’s right, for most of us, spring has finally arrived. Yesterday afternoon, Mr. I-only-like-to-take-morning-naps-this-week and I put on light jackets, threw on our shoes, and headed outside to soak in all that the spring day had to offer.  After…

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Grocery Shopping with “The Mayor”

When I used to go grocery shopping, I was always head down and focused. I would cruise up and down the aisles grabbing what I needed. From the produce section to the meat department, I was a girl on a mission. In and out in the most streamlined way was my task. I hardly talked…

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