Friday Find: 30 Summer to Fall Transitional Clothing Items

fall transitional clothing

You guys. It’s almost fall. Can you believe it? The mornings are feeling a bit more crisp but the days are still feeling hot. So, what’s a girl to do when it comes to the age old question, “What do I wear?” This time of year is the perfect time to add a few summer to fall transitional clothing items into your closet.

These transitional pieces are great for mornings that are crisp and cool and days that are hot and toasty. Because, let’s face it. We need to wear items that can be comfortable, layered, and fashionable. Plus, we want to feel good, right? Transitioning from summer to fall can be a bit tricky.

30 Summer to Fall Transitional Clothing Items

So, when it comes to transitional, what exactly does that mean? It’s not quite time to break out those fall boots and sweaters just yet.  Think of items that can comfortably be worn in cooler temperature as well as in warmer temperatures. Here are some great options for you to consider as you pick out your favorite summer to fall transitional clothing items.

What’s your favorite fall transitional clothing item?

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