5 Bedroom Designs That Will Never Go Out Of Style

bedroom designs
Are you tired of waking up to the same boring bedroom every single day? It’s probably time for a change—and a permanent one at that. If you’re worried to make a renovation mistake (hopefully you won’t pick a theme you’ll eventually tire of), you’ll need to choose a reliable design that will outlast your interest.

5 Bedroom Designs That Will Never Go Out Of Style

The Zen

People who have a too-busy lifestyle will find a perfect match in the Zen theme. Because of the visual harmony of the design and the peaceful effect it brings, it allows for a work-life balance like no other. With a modern backdrop, you can add elements of nature such as wooden furniture with solid colors, indoor or miniature plants and fountains, and watercolor paintings.

The Whimsical

Because the bedroom is where you spend most of your time dreaming, it only makes sense if you come home to something that will pull you deeper in the rabbit hole. Also, when you want to invest in a really comfy bed, this is the go-to design for you. Using the bed as your main centerpiece, you can mix in vintage English decor, dramatic or ambient lighting, and plush rugs. Attractive accent pieces for this type of bedroom are mirrored objects or animal figurines. This design is advisable for people who love to let their imagination run wild, and it’s the place to be right before you head to dreamland.

The Beach

For a permanent staycation in your bedroom, beach-themed rooms are a great idea. Bonus points if you happen to love beaches, Coachella, or if you live and breathe boho chic. Shades of blue, white, and caramel would remind you of the ocean, white clouds and seashells, and the powdery sand. This will keep your energies up and keep you nostalgic from your last trip to the beach. Decorative pieces can be seashells, dreamcatchers, rattan furniture, beads, and billowy, white curtains. If you want to go all out, you can always add a DIY hammock in the bedroom.

The Minimalist

You’ve probably heard about the minimalist movement where less is definitely more and honestly… They’re onto something. Do you ever get the feeling of being so stressed, although not necessarily because of what’s happening in your life? It may be that your belongings are simply suffocating you! That’s what this interior design is all about. Bring out the peace by pushing out the clutter in your life. It’s time to embrace more space and more light. Unlike the Zen design which is Japanese-inspired, the Minimalist design aims for less and less furniture, only keeping the essentials. This design goes well with a modern, black and white theme.

The Retro

Considering today’s hipster culture, nothing’s ever too old. The older the item is, the more you’ll find it as a perfect piece to include in your bedroom. You won’t run out of things to add to your collection; in fact, you can keep special memorabilia (or toys!) from your past and put it on display on your bedroom. There’s just no limits to this concept! For this type of design, it’s best to choose simple or neutral wall paints to make the items — which are the most important aspect of this design, pop out.

These five bedroom designs will never go out of style because of the way they can easily fit in your lifestyle. So if you’re clueless about how to design your bedroom, just pick any of these and you’re well on your way to getting the bedroom of your dreams!

What are your favorite bedroom designs?

Photo by Mark Ashbee PhotographySearch farmhouse bedroom design ideas

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