girl in woods

Thanksgiving was a few days ago and as I nurse my Turkey hangover (yes, I served up so much food during our Thanksgiving feast I’m still dealing with the cooking and eating hangover days later), I can’t help but look forward to celebrating the next holiday. Christmas, to me, is truly the most wonderful time of year. Even though I have a mad crush on fall, there’s something about the month of December that fills me with so much joy.

10 Favorite Things

1.) I loved that we were able to spend Thanksgiving with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law during their first Thanksgiving as a married couple. With our extended family members living so far away, it was nice to spend the holiday with the family members who do live nearby.

2.) I look forward to decorating our home for the Christmas holiday. Last year was the first Christmas that we spent in our new home. Now that I have the lay of the land, we have some changes in mind for this year’s decor. I love having pumpkins and fall decor throughout the home but there’s nothing like having Christmas decor sprinkled in every room.

3.) I’m obsessed with the 10th jacket on this list. Where can I get my hands on one? I’ll have to do some research.

4.) I realized, as I was preparing the Thanksgiving turkey, that rosemary is my absolute favorite scent. As in, I want to find rosemary perfume, rosemary lotion, rosemary candles … rosemary everything. When I came across this appetizer, I immediately started craving it.

5.) Speaking of lotion, I always have a hard time remembering to put lotion on after every shower. I swear, my skin can get so dry and it drives me nuts. When I was at my parents house not too long ago, my Mom had this wet skin body lotion that you put right before you dry off. Life. Changing.

6.) The strawberry is my favorite fruit. The cranberry sauce is my favorite Thanksgiving side dish. Pair them together and you have this amazing recipe for Strawberry Cranberry Pot Pies. I need to make this right away.

7.) The weather has been pretty temperamental over the past few days. Right before Thanksgiving, the temperature dipped. Thanksgiving hit and we found ourselves out on the screened-in porch chatting, sipping wine, and anticipating the big feast. I’m not entirely ready yet for snow so the mix of warm and chilly temps has been nice.

8.) Even though I’ve been wearing flip flops the past few days (yes, the weather has been that warm), here are some boot weather outfits that I’m loving right now.

9.) Our son has been sick the past few days. We just started taking him to school and I think this whole experience is going to help him make friends, learn tons of life skills, and … build up his immune system. Even though he’s had a runny nose, cough, and fever, he’s been such a trooper. It’s been amazing to see how even when he’s not feeling well, he still lives life to the fullest. He’s “glass half full” mentality is definitely inspiring.

10.) Traditions. The holidays, to me, are full of traditions. One of them is the Advent calendar. Ever since I can remember, my Mom always made sure that we had an Advent calendar as a fixture in our home during the holidays. When I moved out of my parent’s house, she has given me an Advent calendar every year (filled with chocolates, of course). When I saw my Mom not too long ago, she made sure that I left with my yearly Advent calendar. I love traditions and look forward to introducing our son to more holiday traditions this year.

What’s your favorite thing from the past week?

Photo via Unsplash.

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