5 Ways to Transition Clothes from Winter to Spring

woman blue dress

I think my favorite seasons for dressing are fall and spring. Both seasons have crisp, refreshing weather that lends itself to comfortable, cute clothes.

In Fall, the weather usually calls for boots. I always look forward to the day that I can wear my skinny jeans with boots.

In Spring, the weather is all about transitional clothing pieces. The mornings usually start off a bit chilly but then reach high temps during the afternoon and stay warm until the cool evening. What’s not to love? At the same time, dressing for transitional spring can be a bit tricky.

Take for example yesterday. Living on the east coast, we woke up to temperatures that were refreshing. I checked out how warm it was going to be that day and got incredibly giddy thinking that I could actually pull off wearing a maxi skirt paired with sandals. Yes, sandals in March.

That’s why I love dressing for spring during the transitional phase. It’s all about light, airy, and comfy layers.

5 Ways to Transition Clothes from Winter to Spring

Here are some of my favorite must-have transitional pieces from winter to spring:

1.) Lightweight Jacket

When I’m quickly heading out the door during spring, I always grab my jean jacket. Really, any lightweight jacket will do. Remember, dressing for spring means light layers. Days can start off chilly but then get really warm. You’ll want to dress in layers so that you stay comfortable throughout the day.

2.) Rainy Day Must-Haves

As they say, in like a lion … out like a lamb. What does that mean? March weather usually starts off with cold and unpleasant weather but then gets mild and enjoyable at the end of the month. What comes next? April showers bring May flowers. So, it’s best to make sure you have rainy day must-haves ready to go for those rainy days.

3.) Maxi Dresses/Skirts

I’m all about the maxi skirt. Yesterday, I threw on tan sandals, a black maxi skirt, a tan t-shirt, and a jean jacket. While running errands, I ended up taking off the jean jacket because I got a little warm and toasty (read: dress in layers). When my husband came home from work and saw me wearing a skirt and t-shirt, he said, “You look cute.” Thanks, babe!

4.) Accessories

A lightweight scarf is a great way to add layer, dimension, color, and comfort to a winter-to-spring outfit. Whether you’re wearing jeans or a maxi dress, a scarf is a great transitional piece. But, be sure that it’s a scarf that enhances the outfit. Not a scarf that’s chunky and warm (because it’s now finally getting warm outside). Think about changing up your necklaces, bracelets, and rings too.

5.) Shoes

Footwear can definitely help transition your outfits into spring. Start thinking about putting the boots and booties away (but don’t put them away just yet since there might be some chilly days left in the winter season). It’s time to start mixing into the rotation sandals, loafers, flats, and wedges on the warmer days.

What’s your favorite winter to spring transitional clothing piece?

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