The Little Man is Two


Oh my word … our little man is two today. Pass the Kleenex as I try to hold back the tears. As every Mom can probably relate, it feels like just yesterday the doctor was placing him in my arms and I was discovering a love unlike anything I ever experienced. The love that I have for this little man is unreal.

He has taught me so much about myself and my husband.

He has added so much love and laughter into our home.

He has a way to test my patience and feel incredible amounts of love and pride all at the same time.

He has developed into such a character and I look forward each and every day to watching him learn, grow, love, play, and thrive.

He has brought out the mama bear in me … a side of myself I never knew I had in me.

It’s funny … I was on Facebook the other day and I came across a video of a polar bear cub rolling around on his back with his mother nearby. The cub got a little carried away and with one swift movement he found himself rolling off the ledge and into the water.

His hind legs dangled in the water as his front paws held onto the ledge with all of his strength. His mother’s instinct kicked in at just that moment. She immediately jumped into the water and pushed up on the cub until he was safely out of the water. Now that, my friends, is the definition of mama bear.

… and I can totally relate. I will do anything and everything for this little man. A mother’s instinct is something that is so incredible. Being a mama bear to this handsome, loving, playful cub is the greatest gift every day.

Happy Birthday, pal. This mama bear loves you so much.

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