Photographing a Child’s Play Space

Play Space (3)
Day in and day out, our days can be filled with routine after routine. My son wakes up around the same time every day, eats an insane amount of food, plays around the house, harasses the dogs, laughs, reads, plays outside, goes on walks, gets ready for bed, and goes to bed at the same time every night. If there’s one thing that works with this toddler, it’s routine. It helps us keep our sanity while chasing after and caring for a one-year-old. But what transforms the mundane to extraordinary?

Those special moments. When I walk into his room in the morning, I always make sure that our dog, Tugboat, is the first thing that he sees. The result? Incredible laughter as he yells, “Dog! Dog! Dog!” When he’s done eating, he holds up his hands and says, “All done!” When he chases after the dogs, he turns to me and lets out the biggest belly laugh. When he plays outside and becomes fascinated by a twig or leaf.

I live for these special moments that turn the everyday routine into an extraordinary moment.
The other day while were were playing in his playroom, I quietly left the room to get my camera. I needed to capture these moments. My son was totally in his element. Reading books, chasing after the dog, playing with his blocks. This was my son and I needed to capture these moments that so clearly defined him at this age.
So many times people wait for the “photoworthy,” award-winning moments. But what about photographing the everyday moments?
What toys do your kids love to play with at this age? Playing with books, blocks, and dogs. So, I captured those toys in this photo series.
What is one of the activities that my son loves most? Harassing and chasing the dogs. So, I captured that moment.
Where can I usually find my son when he’s quiet? Reading in his teepee. So, I captured him doing just that.

This is what our days are filled with. This is what brings me so much happiness and joy. This is what helps turn the mundane into extraordinary.

So, the next time you’re stuck in a rut with everyday photography, challenge yourself.
What do your kids love to do? Capture it.
What is their favorite toy? Capture it.
What are your kids learning? Capture it.
Where do your kids love to play? Capture it.
What is their favorite part about their play space? Capture it.

How do you capture everyday moments?

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