20 Winter Date Ideas

winter date ideas

During the wintertime, it’s so easy to follow the way of the bear and hibernate. When the temperature drops, cuddling up on the couch under a blanket with a fire burning in the fireplace sounds all too perfect. Add in some hot cocoa and/or your favorite cocktail, a holiday movie, and a tasty treat and it will be hard to pry a person from the couch as the snow falls outside their window.

But, what happens when you start to get stir crazy? Yes, cabin fever will set in and you’ll start craving a date night in the great outdoors. We all need fresh air, even during the colder months.

So, where do you start? What fun activities can you and your significant other do that gets you out of the house and having fun? There are countless activities to help you create memorable moments … and maybe even some winter traditions.

20 Winter Date Ideas

Here are 20 simple winter date ideas that you will love to enjoy during the colder months:

  1. Go ice skating at a local ice rink
  2. Attend a cooking class and learn a new recipe
  3. Grab a camera and go on a photo walk
  4. Attend a holiday party
  5. Check your local theaters and go to a show or play
  6. Go to a hockey game and cheer on your favorite team
  7. Put on snowshoes and walk through your local trails
  8. Grab your skis or snowboards and hit the slopes.
  9. Pick a neighborhood and go on a Christmas light walk
  10. Walk through your local zoo and enjoy Zoo Lights
  11. Go to a tree lighting ceremony
  12. Pick a new restaurant and enjoy a delicious dinner
  13. Go sledding at your local park
  14. Enjoy a carriage ride
  15. Build a snowman
  16. Visit a local museum
  17. Go to an open-air winter market
  18. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and go window shopping
  19. Go beer tasting at local breweries
  20. Enjoy a dessert crawl by visiting restaurants in your area

What’s your favorite winter date idea?

Photo via Intimate Weddings.

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