Baked Cinnamon and Sugar Doughnuts

Baked Cinnamon and Sugar Doughnuts

Did you miss me? I missed all of you tons and tons. I feel like I haven’t been on here in forever…well, I guess it’s been forever…does over a month count as forever? Where has the time gone? What have you been up to over the past month? Please feel free to share your stories in the comments section below on this post. I would love to hear from you!

What have I been up to over the past month or so? I thought you would never ask. Before I jump into my update, let me pour myself another cup of coffee and grab one of these Baked Cinnamon and Sugar Doughnuts that just came out of the oven (this may or may not be the second one of the day). I can’t help myself. They are warm, sugary, fluffy, and the perfect complement to my coffee.

Since you last heard from me, quite a bit has happened in my little nook of D.C. and beyond … here’s the overall gist of everything:

How I Spent…

  • The Holidays: We spent the holidays with my in-laws and our days were  full of food, presents, holiday decor, conversation, cocktails … all the makings of a great Christmas
  • My Birthday: I was surprised by my brother, sister-in-law, nephew, and their dog. Yes, they drove through a blizzard (it took them two days to drive from Michigan to D.C.) to surprise me on my birthday. Right before dinner, my husband sat me down on the couch, blindfolded me, and then next thing I know the blindfold was taken off and my one-year-old nephew was giggling and smiling in my face. Best. Surprise. Ever. Tears, tears, and more tears. 
  • New Year’s Eve: I rang in the New Year with my brother-in-law, future sister-in-law, and my husband. The best part was that my husband came home from work at 11:45 p.m. and we were able to watch the ball drop together. In other words, rare and amazing. 
  • My Vacation: A few days after ringing in 2013, I found myself surrounded by co-workers, sheep, green hills, and castles …. in Ireland. We spent six days in the breathtakingly beautiful country and were able to visit so many locations. My head still spins when I think about how much we were able to squeeze in during our trip. If you’re in the mood to look at lots of horses, sheep, greenery, hills, and castles, be sure to check out my photo albums. This trip was such an amazing experience … from spending time to co-workers, to kissing the Blarney Stone (the second time is just as terrifying as the first), to taking the train to Dublin, to witnessing the beauty of the Cliffs of Moher, to traveling along the Ring of Kerry, to visiting my Great Aunt and Uncle’s Home on the Dingle Peninsula, to … well, just about everything. I cannot wait to take my husband over to one of my favorite places to visit.
  • My Second Vacation: Let’s face it, one vacation just isn’t enough. Due to the Inauguration (my husband was working crazy hours) and my work (I was working crazy hours), we decided to pack up our car, put the dogs in the backseat, and head to the lake house for a few days full of resting, relaxing, wine tasting, dog walking, cuddling by the fire, and watching movies. 
What a whirlwind of a month. Now that I’m back in full force, I can’t wait to share all sorts of new and interesting recipes with you. 
First up? This Baked Cinnamon and Sugar Doughnut Recipe. Don’t have a doughnut pan? No problem. These doughnuts, when fresh out of the oven, are absolutely sinful. I dare you to each just one. I know that I can’t.

Baked Cinnamon and Sugar Doughnuts


  • 1 16.3 ounce can of Pillsbury Grands! Refrigerated Buttermilk Biscuits
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Take the biscuits out of the can and place them on a dish. Use a 1 1/4-inch round biscuit butter and cut a hole in the center of each biscuit.
  3. Place the melted butter in a bowl. Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a separate bowl.
  4. Dip a biscuit in the butter (completely coating the entire biscuit) and shake off any excess butter. Dip the biscuit in the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Place the biscuit on the prepared baking sheet.  Repeat with remaining biscuits.
  5. Bake for 14-18 minutes or until the doughnuts are golden brown.

What is your favorite type of doughnut?

*This was not a sponsored post. I just really like Pillsbury products and recipes. This recipe was adapted from Pillsbury

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