
10 Simple Ways to Make Your Home Smell Good

Sometimes houses can get stinky. During the winter months, it can be easy for the air in a home to get a bit stale since doors and windows are kept closed. What else stinks up a house? Pets. Although we love our furry family members, they can really stink up a place. There’s also lingering…

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5 Ways to Combine New and Old Home Decor

Decorating your home is not only about what you like, but also about the ability to incorporate the desired décor in your existing style. While mixing and matching different styles is a very popular trend nowadays, it still doesn’t mean that you should create an obvious unbalanced décor style in your interior, or overstuff your space…

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10 Simple Ways to Prepare for House Guests

We’re in the thick of the holiday season as we work on getting the home ready for the holidays. During the holiday season, many families can expect to open their doors to family and friends. So, how does one prepare the home for house guests? It’s easy … if you prepare. There’s no need to…

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15 Simple Ways to Add Spring to a Home

Even though it’s spring, for some (like my parents who sent me snowy photos from Michigan during this past weekend) spring can seem like it’s a littler far away. For those of us who live further south, the colder temps seem to be making their way out the door which is exciting. We love spending…

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5 Ways to Warm Up a Home During Winter

We just had a massive snowstorm a few weeks ago during which we were hit by three feet of snow in a short amount of time. Since then, the snow has slowly melted away as the temperature grew higher and the sun showed its pretty face. But, we hear that snow is on its way…

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10 Ways to Make a House a Home

Whether you just moved into a new house or you’ve been living in your place for a while, it’s important to make your house feel like a home. Walking in the door of your place should make you feel happy and comfortable. You’re probably asking, “Isn’t a house a home and a home a house?”…

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Decorating with Clocks

If you stop in the rooms throughout my home, you’ll begin to notice a few themes, one of which includes a clock. I wear a watch and I usually have my phone by me at all times. Both of which tell the time. Yet, I rarely ever use them for that purpose. Instead, I look…

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