
5 Ways to Get a Toddler to Eat Dinner + Giveaway

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Krusteaz. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. For those of us who have kids, I think we’ve all been there. We spend time preparing dinner for a toddler only to have the toddler stare at the food and pout while saying, “No!” How many of you have tried…

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10 Must-Have Fall Accessories + Giveaway

Disclaimer: JORD sent me a watch in exchange for a blog post and social media promotions. This post was sponsored by JORD Wood Watches. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. A few weeks ago, fall finally arrived and then last week it quickly went away when the temperature reached the high 80s in…

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5 Ways to Make Mornings Easier

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Honey Bunches of Oats as part of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Let’s face it. Mornings can be hectic. From getting yourself and the kiddos ready to packing school lunches to grabbing all of the necessary materials to help get…

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{All-Clad Pizza Kit Giveaway} Sausage, Mushroom, and Pesto Pizza

Happy first day of October! I must say, this is one of my favorite months. Even though I’m sad to see the warm days of summer go into hibernation, I look forward to the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of fall. The leaves are changing from green to orange, the wardrobes are changing from flip flops…

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{Giveaway} Bella Cucina Belgian Waffle Maker

As you are well aware, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Hardly a day goes by where I don’t sit down to a nice breakfast to start my day off on the right foot. One of my all-time favorite breakfast dishes to order when I was younger was a Belgian waffle. I loved…

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{Giveaway} Perfect Portions Scale

In my kitchen, I’m all about creating and using different methods to make the time spent preparing food simple and enjoyable. Whether it’s using new tools to make tasks easier or learning to make the most out of the ingredients I already have in my kitchen, I’m constantly trying to find ways to simplify life…

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