A Simple Way to Keep Your Home Organized

A Simple Way to Keep Your Home Organized

What’s a simple way to keep your home organized? One word: baskets. I’ve always been slightly obsessed with the usage of baskets. And then I became a mom. Wow, do baskets every come in handy with food, toys, clothes, etc. Walk around every room in my home and your bound to come across plenty of baskets. They are definitely my favorite go to when it comes to keeping my home organized.

Whenever I’m at the store, I love to check out the basket aisle just in case I come across baskets that I want to add to our home. From wicker to galvanized metal, the variety of baskets available on store shelves today are ridiculously cute and incredibly functional.

What’s great about baskets is that you can store them on shelves or place taller baskets on the floor (think storage for throws and pillows).

One important tip when using baskets is the following:

Make sure you assign items to baskets. Every basket in my home has a purpose. You won’t find tons of different items in one basket. If you assign items to baskets, then every basket will have a purpose, items in your home will be easy to find and organize, and you won’t be frustrated when trying to find items that are stored in baskets.

Here’s how I use baskets to keep our home organized:

  • Pantry: I keep a variety of baskets on the shelves in our pantry to store squeezable kid pouches, pasta, sauces, breakfast items, etc.
  • Laundry Room: Since our laundry room is attached to the door that we use most often, I like to keep grab-and-go items in the shelves of our laundry room. You can find the following items in baskets in our laundry room: kids’ socks, hats, and mittens. I also store dryer sheets, detergent pods, dog cleaning items (brushes, deodorant wipes, nail clippers), and extra garbage bags.
  • Playroom: Our playroom is filled with baskets that contain puzzle pieces, stuffed animals, toy cars, toy trucks, etc. Baskets galore!
  • Bathroom: In our master bathroom, I recently bought plastic baskets that perfectly fit when placing three to a shelf. I also purchased chalkboard stickers and a chalkboard marker. I assigned items to each of the six baskets: kid meds, adult meds, first aid items, cleaners (two baskets), and toiletries (for the extra toiletries). The baskets are up high so that the meds are out of reach for the kiddos.
  • Guest Bedrooms: I have a few baskets in the guest bedrooms that contain extra throws. I always want to make the guests feel warm and cozy.
  • Kids’ Rooms: I have baskets in their rooms that hold stuffed animals, diaper items (in the baby’s room), and clothing items (in the closets).

As you can see, baskets definitely come in handy when trying to keep items in my home organized while also keeping the various rooms in my home clutter-free.

A Simple Way to Keep Your Home Organized

Cute Baskets to Help Keep Your Home Organized

Since I’m very basket-obsessed, here are some super cute (yet extremely functional) baskets to help keep your home organized.

What’s your favorite way to keep your home organized?

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