Friday Find: My New Favorite Ice Cream

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So, my son loves having a “special treat” (that’s what he calls them … except, it’s more like “pecial tweat”) but we only allow him to have “special treats” every once in a while. He is quite the chocoholic (now I know why I craved chocolate when I was pregnant with him). If we gave him “special treats” all the time I don’t think that would be too great of an idea.

The same goes for my husband and me.

We both have a sweet tooth and love to dig our spoons into ice cream. But, we hardly ever have ice cream in the freezer because we don’t have very much willpower. My husband always eats a massive bowl of ice cream and I’m not that far behind him.

So, when we do purchase ice cream, it’s only every once in a while and it’s when we have a severe sweet tooth craving.

The other day while I was at the grocery store, I found myself in the ice cream aisle. perusing my options when I came across Talenti.

You guys. Have you heard of this typs of gelato? Oh. My. Word.

And then that’s when I found it: Caramel Cookie Crunch Gelato.

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I’m not a fan of ice cream that has a bajillion ingredients in it. I’m all about ingredients in my ice cream that I can read. So, I flipped around the package and read the ingredient list:

  • milk· sugar· cream· cocoa (processed with alkali)· dextrose· wheat flour· oil (palm· soybean· coconut)· cocoa· baking soda· carob gum· vanilla· corn starch· salt· natural flavors· soy lecithin

Now we’re talking.

According to Talenti: It’s Cookies and Cream all grown up and putting its best self forward. We blended a whole bunch of chocolatey cookies together and mixed them into our dulce de leche gelato, the luxurious friend any dessert would happily be paired with.

I added two pints to my cart and headed home.

After one bite, I knew I was hooked.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored by Talenti.  

image source (talenti), image source (ice cream bowl)

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  1. Secret Breakfast by Humphrey Slocombe in San Francisco – it’s whiskey and cornflakes. Sounded awful to me, because I dislike whiskey, but it’s amazing anytime of day. :)

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