10 Minute Kitchen Cleanup


Yes, I’m obsessed with having a clean kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of the home so I like to keep our kitchen looking clean all the time. It’s just something that has to happen for me to be able to function properly and have a good attitude throughout the day.

Who else is with me?

Now, I know cleaning the kitchen can be a bit of a pain. Trust me. With a two-year-old at home, it can be difficult to keep up with everything. But, the good news is that in just 10 minutes or less, you can have a sparkly clean kitchen. I like to practice this 10 Minute Kitchen Cleanup once a day (or more, depending on the mess) to help maintain a clean and functional kitchen.

So, how does it work?

kitchen clean up

10 Minute Kitchen Cleanup

1.) Wash the Dishes

I’m a big believer in never going to bed with a full kitchen sink. I cannot stand having dishes sitting next to or in the sink. They either get placed into the dishwasher or hand-washed almost immediately. A full sink can be a pet peeve of mine. Strange, I know. But, we all have our quirks. The end result is an empty sink … all in a matter of five minutes (or so).

2.) Scrub the Sink

I have a stainless steel sink so it has a tendency to show soap grime and leftover food. When the material starts to get less shiny, I pour a little bit of Barkeeper’s Friend onto the surface, wet a paper towel, and scrub the sink. Next, I rinse the cleaning material off the sink. The end result is a sparkly and clean stainless steel sink … all in a matter of one minute.

3.) Clean the Counters

I’m kind of obsessed with wiping down our granite counters. To have sparkly clean counters, you can either use an all-purpose cleaner or a cleaner specific for your counter material. The end result is a clean surface … all in a matter of one minute.

4.) Wipe the Appliances

If you have stainless steel appliances, purchase a stainless steel cleaner. If you don’t have stainless steel appliances, then use any all-purpose cleaner. Spray the cleaner onto the surface of your appliances and wipe them clean. The end result are clean appliances … all in a matter of one minute.

5.) Clean the Stove Top

My oven/stove top are part of my kitchen island. We have a range hood from the ceiling that hangs directly over our stove top. So, when the lights from the range hood are on, the stove top becomes a focal point. It can be very embarrassing if I have dust or burnt on food on display. I either use Barkeeper’s Friend or an all-purpose cleaner (depending on the mess) to clean the stove top. The end result is a clean stove top … all in a matter of two minutes.

5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 10 minutes and bam … you’ll have a clean kitchen.

How do you keep your kitchen clean?

Photo credit: larkandlarks via Foter.com / CC BY-NC

Photo credit: mrgrahamhill via Foter.com / CC BY-SA

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