So, It’s My Birthday

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Today I’m blowing out 32 candles and saying “thank you” for another wonderful year. This past year had its highs and its lows. It had its smiles and it had its tears. It had its adventures and its lulls.

This year was full of trying to find the mythical work-life balance. I felt myself being pulled in a million different directions all while trying to hold myself together. From being a full-time work-at-home/stay-at-home mom to trying to be a great partner to my husband to spending time with family and friends to squeezing in me time … there were many times that I felt like I could barely hold my head above the water.

But, toss in going on amazing date nights with my husband, traveling to Michigan to spend time with family and friends, embracing my creative and writing side by changing up my site, decorating our home, having family and friends visit our new home, hosting parties, and watching my son’s personality shine each and every day, I am able to take a deep breath and appreciate all that happened in my 32nd year.

When it comes to my birthday celebration, I’m all about simplicity. As long as I have family around me, I’m a happy gal. Family is what fuels me and fills my heart. Having a holiday birthday, especially during Christmas, is so incredibly special.

Christmastime is the most magical time of the year. The house is decorated beautifully. People are so full of holiday cheer. Usually, snow is on the ground and the landscape is breathtaking. The fire is burning in the fireplace. Counters are full of holiday treats. The smell of cinnamon is in the air. We celebrated the holidays around a lot of family so my heart is definitely full.

So, this year, to celebrate my 32 years, my husband and I are opening a bottle of wine, enjoying takeout Thai with our son, lighting a fire in the fireplace, and maybe throwing on a movie. That is simplicity at is finest and it’s the perfect way that I want to celebrate all that has happened in the past year, as well as look forward to what will happen during my 33rd year.

How do you love to celebrate your birthday?

Photo via Pexels.

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