10 Favorite Things: Issue No. 1

You guys. This week will go down as one of the best weeks ever. Why? Read on and find out what 10 things I’m crushing on this week.

10 Favorite Things

1.) I finally understand why Beatles fans would cry and pass out when the band entered the stage. I’ve been the biggest fan of Florence and the Machine for years. I randomly decided to look up their tour dates last week and … lo and behold … they were scheduled to be at our local concert venue this week. Um. What. You’ve got to be kidding me. Oh, and it just so happened to be on a night that my husband didn’t have to work. As soon as Flo came on stage, I just about lost my mind. If ever you have a chance to see her, by all means, make every effort. Best. Concert. Ever.

2.) … which leads me to my next favorite thing. We had our very first real babysitter for our son. Yes, we’ve left him with family only a few times. However, now that we live in the country and away from family, I was determined to go to the concert which meant that I had to line up a babysitter. Thanks to our awesome neighbors, we lined up an amazing babysitter. While at the concert, she texted us and said, “He was great! Easiest child ever!” Night made.

3.) I figured out what my son means when he says, “Cata!” It’s “Caster,” the name of our oldest dog. I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks.

4.) This S’mores Cake that I found on Pinterest makes me drool pretty much every time I look at it. Are you drooling at it with me?

5.) My Dad turned 60 on Saturday and my Mom is turning 60 tomorrow. I love them to pieces and wish them the happiest of birthdays.

6.) We bought our son his first pool and I’m quickly learning that he is part fish. We spent pretty much every moment that we could today splashing in his pool.

7.) I can’t stop snacking on chocolate chip cookies. Want a great recipe that will change your life? Here you go. You’re welcome.

8.) We had the biggest pile of mulch delivered to our home. We’ve been trying to work our way through it as we figure out the gardening situation at our new home. Major props go out to my husband who killed the pile this week (just in time for the driveway coaters who are showing up tomorrow morning). Love you, babe.

9.) I caught my son playing with his baseball glove and baseball. #Heartmelting

10.) I came across the House of Belonging shop on Etsy tonight and I’m completely in love with just about everything in that shop. Talk about cute. The photo above is from her shop. Seriously, you are going to love everything in her shop. Trust me. And no, this post isn’t sponsored by the shop.

What’s your favorite thing from this week?

Photo Credit: House of Belonging shop on Etsy

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