photography tips

10 Tips for Looking More Photogenic

We all have that one friend who looks absolutely awesome in photos. Even on the most humid of days, that friend looks like she just stepped out of a photo shoot. You just know that your friend is looking more and more photogenic with each snap of the shutter button. So, you’re thinking, how in…

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10 Photography Activities for Kids

As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. For most of my son’s life (he’s only 2.5), he hasn’t had much screen time. Only recently has he really been into a few television shows like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street. Man, does this kid love Mickey Mouse and Elmo. The same…

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10 Simple Tips for Newborn Photography

Babies are just about the most adorable little things ever. Am I right? From their sweet sounds to their tiny toes, I cannot get enough of the cutie pies, especially when going through a newborn photography session. But, let’s face it. Babies can also be unpredictable. One minute they might be happy. The next minute they…

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Getting Digital Photos Organized

Raise your hand if you have a bajillion family digital photos sitting on a computer or in your phone. I have a computer full of digital photos, cloud services full of photos, a phone full of photos, memory cards full of photos, and drawers full of photos. I’m a photo hoarder. I love photography and try…

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10 Sibling Photography Ideas

I have quickly learned that trying to get kids to pose for the camera is almost impossible. Take for example my son. He’s one and always on the move. When he’s doing something that I absolutely want to capture on film and always remember, he’s already on to the next move before I have a…

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Turning Photos into Black and White Photography

As you can probably tell from my blog and Instagram feed, I’m a big fan of black and white photography. Walking through my home, you’ll quickly notice that the walls throughout my home embrace my love of black and white photography. Why do I love black and white photography so much? Because the photos exude…

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Photographing Toddlers: Capturing Everyday Moments

With a toddler at home, you can most likely find me discovering new spots to baby proof throughout the home. From outlets to cords, corners to steps, you name it, my son is all about discovering what, why, and how it works. His curious nature keeps him on the move and on-the-go at all times….

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