{Giveaway} Enjoy the Tastes of Italy from Bertolli

One of the items that tops my bucket list is to travel to Italy. I’ve had quite a few chances to go to Italy but all of them were going to be solo trips. Throughout the years, I saved a trip to Italy for when I had a special someone by my side to experience the beauty. Now that I’m…

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One of the items that tops my bucket list is to travel to Italy. I’ve had quite a few chances to go to Italy but all of them were going to be solo trips. Throughout the years, I saved a trip to Italy for when I had a special someone by my side to experience the beauty. Now that I’m…

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Gallo Family Vineyards National Moscato Day

As you can probably gather from some of my stories and trips, I love my wine. Red, white, fruity, dry, cold, warm…you name it, I will more than likely enjoy it. I believe I received my mom’s wine loving gene because she loves wine probably more than I do. It’s hard to believe that is even possible. Thankfully, my husband…

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{Giveaway} Kraft Foods Outstandwich Road Trip

When it comes to lunch or even dinner, nothing beats a sandwich with chips and a juicy pickle. Honestly, my mouth is just watering thinking about that delicious combo. I’m constantly trying to find ways to add more flavor to the sandwiches that I create in my kitchen just to change up my lunch options from day-to-day. Whether I play…

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