5 Cute Outfits with Baseball Hats


I’m going to come right out and say it. I love wearing baseball hats. And yes, I would totally wear a baseball hat every day. Over the years, I have created quite a collection of hats. And, I’m not ashamed to admit that after I shower, it’s definitely nice every once in a while to dry my hair, make sure it’s straight, apply some makeup, and then toss on a hat. Done and done.

Growing up, I lived on the softball diamond and lived in gear as I practiced and played in games. I would tie my hair into a ponytail, throw on a hat, and head out the door with my softball bag on my shoulder. I loved the game.

Fast forward to my college years where during my senior year at Michigan State, my love for the game got me the job as the Team Manager for the men’s baseball team. What an incredible experience … not to mention I ended up with some pretty awesome State gear, including one of my all-time favorite baseball hats.

This one summer, my Dad and I went on a daddy-daughter date where I picked up another one of my all-time favorite baseball hats—a Detroit Tigers hat with the old Tigers logo. I’ve worn the heck out of the hat to the point where the bill is starting to fray.

Oh, and then there was the time when I was incredibly pregnant and heading to the Lions vs. Redskins game with my husband and brother-in-law. I didn’t own any Lions maternity gear so I asked my brother-in-law if I could borrow one of his Lions hats. He ended up letting me keep the hat and it has quickly become another one of my all-time favorite hats.

I didn’t think my husband liked me in hats. But, I thought, what the heck, I’ve always loved wearing them. The other day when he came home from work and saw me wearing a hat, he took one look and said, “You should wear hats more often. You look good in them.”

I don’t mind if I do.

So, ladies, there’s no need to wait for a bad hair day to break out your baseball hats. Instead of spending tons of time doing your hair, grab a hat and head out the door. Running errands, cleaning the house, boating, working out, going to a game … hats are where it’s at.

5 Cute Outfits with Baseball Hats


via Her Lovely Style


via Merrick’s Art


via Robyn Vilate


via ElleApparelBlog


via Lemon Stripes

So, am I alone on this? Are you a fan of hats?

Featured photo via Unsplash.

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