Oven-Roasted Balsamic and Honey Brussels Sprouts

As a child, I remember sitting at the dinner table staring down the Brussels Sprouts that my parents put on my plate. These green balls looked like they were full of disgusting flavor. I wondered why anyone would ever want to prepare, serve, or eat one of these sprouts. It made absolutely no sense to me. Because my parents believed that I could never say I didn’t like something until I tried it, I sat there at the table having quite the staring contest with the sprouts.

I sat … and I sat … and I glared … and I sat. For what seemed like hours (yes, the rest of the family finished their food and cleared the table except for my place setting), I finally decided enough was enough. So, I stuck my fork into a sprout, closed my eyes, and took a bite …

… and I actually liked it. Shocked, I took another bite … and another bite. Yes, I actually liked Brussels Sprouts.

Over the past few years, my husband and I have become the biggest fans of Brussels Sprouts. We’ve grilled them, baked them, and boiled them. Our favorite way to enjoy them (and yes, we eat them sometimes multiple times a week), is via the oven.

Usually, I just toss them with salt, pepper, and extra virgin olive oil and then roast them. However, this past weekend, I was at a restaurant and ordered a wedge salad with roasted Brussels Sprouts. What came out of the kitchen was hands down my favorite salad ever. From the chunks of blue cheese to the honey-drizzled Brussels Sprouts, my taste buds were incredibly happy. I knew that I had to share a honey-flavored Brussels Sprout recipe with you.

With just a few ingredients and a bit of roasting time, you’ll have Brussels Sprouts that are full of flavor and crispness that will keep you popping one after another into your mouth. Your taste buds will thank me.

Oven-Roasted Balsamic and Honey Brussels Sprouts


1 pound of Brussels Sprouts, cleaned and halved
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon honey


1.) Set the oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Spray the foil with nonstick cooking spray.

2.) Place the Brussels Sprouts, extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper in a bowl and toss to coat.

3.) Spread the Brussels Sprouts on the prepared baking sheet.

4.) Bake for 20-25 minutes (turning the Brussels Sprouts halfway through) or until the sprouts are browned and crispy.

5.) Transfer the sprouts to a bowl and season with more salt and pepper (as needed). Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and honey. Toss to coat.

What’s your favorite way to prepare Brussels Sprouts?

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