Red Skin Potato Salad

Garlic Roasted Potatoes with Cilantro and Lemon

If you can’t tell from my pale skin, dark hair, green eyes, and freckles, I have a little…alright, maybe a lot of Irish in me. Not only do I look a bit on the Irish side, I also act like I’m a true Irish(wo)man. I enjoy a good drink and I love the stereotypical meat…

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Red Skin Potato, Pea, Pesto and Bacon Salad

For many cooks, there is always at least one type of food that can always be found in their kitchen. I have a few that I have a tendency to keep stockpiled in my kitchen: Tomatoes … I have come to realize that not a day goes by that I do not eat a tomato-based…

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Red Skin Potato Salad

Last night, my husband decided that he wanted to get more practice with his new grill so we went to the store and bought some hot dogs and hamburgers…the perfect complement to the Super Bowl game. And what goes best with hot dogs and hamburgers? Potato salad. I received a great recipe for Red Skin…

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