Homemade Pancake Recipes

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Do you know what Mardi Gras (aka Fat Tuesday) and Shrove Tuesday have in common? Today, as in the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. According to the Christian calendar, today is the last hurrah before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Whether you call it Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday, one thing is certain, I’m sure many…

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Blueberry Pancakes

My husband woke up yesterday with a severe craving for blueberry pancakes. Unfortunately, we had no blueberries in the house so I had to put his craving on hold for at least another day. As soon as we arrived at the grocery store, he took a beeline to the fresh product department and we selected…

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Pumpkin Pancakes

I don’t know about you but when it comes to fall, I cannot get enough of pumpkins. I have pumpkins strewn about my house, can after can of pumpkin puree in my baking cupboard and four real pumpkins that are ready and waiting to be carved. My life becomes engulfed by pumpkins this time of…

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Homemade Pancakes

What does my husband love to eat for breakfast? Pancakes, especially if they are blueberry-flavored. I am more of a cereal girl myself but I tend to enjoy them every once in a while. The other morning I set out a bowl, some milk and a spoon. It wasn’t until I opened the cupboard that…

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