Cooking Tips and Tricks

Tips for Cooking with Salt

Walk into any seasoning aisle in the grocery or specialty foods store and you’re bound to find many different types of salt. Kosher salt, sea salt, and table salt are a few types that are most often found in kitchens. When it comes to cooking, one of the most important items to remember is to…

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{Tips & Tricks} Cooking Beets

Beets, or beetroots, are very versatile vegetables that can be used in a variety of dishes. The leaves, stems and nuts add so much color and flavor to dishes and can be used in many recipes. These little gems are full of flavor, packed with vitamins and low in calories. Beets are also rich in…

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{Tips & Tricks} Cooking Corn on the Cob

Corn, to me, is the definition of summer. As I described in an earlier post, I grew up near a corn field and the farmer always delivered the sweetest tasting corn. I swear, I’ve never had anything like it. Whenever I go to the grocery store, I almost always leave with a huge bag of…

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{Tips & Tricks} Making Mayonnaise

For those of you who don’t like mayonnaise, I want to take the time right now to apologize for this post. I know that there are some severe mayo haters out there who wish to ban it from existence. Me, on the other hand? I love mayo. Plain and simple. I love it in potato…

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{Tips & Tricks} Baking Muffins

Let’s play a little guessing game…You usually see them (or smell them) as soon as you step into a coffee house, cafe, bakery…or my house. They are flavorful, hearty and come in a variety of different flavors. They tend to have a crisp top with a piping hot inside that is light and fluffy. They…

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{Tips & Tricks} Making Pesto

Last year when I visited my parent’s house I was immediately inspired by their herb and vegetable gardens. They had beautiful tomatoes, amazing green beans and aromatic herbs. When I was planning my garden prior to spring this year, I decided to put that inspiration to work. After stopping by the store to purchase seedlings,…

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Baking and Cooking Tips & Tricks

I’m all about making the time spent in the kitchen simpler and easier! These tips and tricks will help you as you cook and bake countless delicious dishes and tasty treats for family and friends! Baker’s Pantry Grocery List Baking 101: Tips and Tricks Christmas Cookies 101: Shipping Cooking 101: Kitchen Basics  How To Keep…

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