Cooking Tips and Tricks

{Tips & Tricks} Pioneering Measurement Terms

Recently, I found a recipe in a cookbook that I absolutely had to try. I was working my way through the recipe quite smoothly when all of a sudden I came across the word “dash.” Being the anal retentive perfectionist that I am, I froze. “Dash.” Really?! I had no idea how much was in…

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Tips for Using Puff Pastry Sheets

Earlier this year, whenever I would hear the words “puff pastry,” I would cringe. Whenever I saw the words in a recipe I would immediately flip the page or click to another recipe. I’m not going to lie. The dough, as innocent as it was, terrified me. …and then I finally gathered up enough courage…

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{Tips & Tricks} Making Clarified Butter

Have you ever seen the term “clarified butter” in a recipe’s ingredient list? Has it ever made you quickly flip the page or click to another site to find a different recipe? Clarified butter is harmless so there is no need to be afraid or intimidated. Butter, in its most basic form, is made up…

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{Tips & Tricks} Fall Cooking

As the temperature begins to dip and you start to feel the crispness of fall, you might be taking your jeans, boots, sweaters, jackets and scarves out of hibernation. However, your attire isn’t the only thing that changes with the seasons. Food is another item that is sensitive to the changing of the seasons. During…

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{Tips & Tricks} Removing Muffins from Pan + Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe

Have you ever found yourself angrily staring at a muffin pan, close to tears wondering how in the world you were ever going to get your beautiful muffins out of the muffin cups? Don’t worry…I’ve been there too. Sometimes there’s nothing worse than removing a muffin tin from the oven that is filled with gorgeous…

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{Tips & Tricks} Making a Simple Fruit Syrup

A fruit syrup is a sweet way to maximize the flavor of a variety of dishes. It also has the ability to brighten a dish to make it look even more enticing. Grocery stores have shelves lined with pre-made fruit syrups…however, they are packed with artificial flavors and preservatives? To that I say, “No thank…

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Tips on How to Zest Citrus Fruit

As you look through various recipes, I’m sure you stumbled across the phrase “use the zest from a lemon.” Upon seeing that phrase, some of you might scratch your head, stare at the phrase, think about it for a few seconds and then quickly move on to the next recipe thanks to having no clue…

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