10 Tips for Decorating a Bookshelf

bookshelf tips

Styling a bookshelf. Even though it can seem so easy, the task can be overwhelming? Where do you put the books? What else should you include to make it pop? What decor tips should you keep in mind? What goes where?

Examples of Beautiful Bookshelves

The questions can be never-ending. But, don’t worry. By implementing a few simple tips, you can get a bookshelf that looks just as beautiful as some of these examples.

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10 Tips for Decorating a Bookshelf

1.) Group Like Colors Together

Do you have a lot of different colors going on throughout your bookshelf? Group like colors together to make your design not so overwhelming. If you have a bunch of blue items, then group them together. Have a lot of green books, group them together. Have a lot of red items, group them together.

2.) Add a plant

I’m a huge fan of succulents. I cannot get enough of them … probably because I’m still working on my green thumb. They are, hands down, the easiest plants ever. Plus, their textures and looks cannot be beat. So, the next time you’re at your local home improvement store, be sure to pick up a few of these beauties to display throughout your home. Here are some tips on how to care for succulents. Also, here are some other really great houseplants for any green thumb … or lack thereof.

3.) Feature photos

I love to include framed photos on our bookshelves. Bookshelves can appear to be a bit stale. But, adding friendly faces to your decorated bookshelves will help warm them up a bit.

4.) Layer objects

Feel free to stick a figurine on top of a stack of books. Or, place a clock on a stack of books. Adding layers will help give the bookshelf personality and depth.

5.) Use baskets

I’m a big fan of using baskets to store our son’s toys. I like to get baskets that follow the same theme and texture to help create fluidity throughout the design.

6.) Incorporate artwork

Artwork helps to add pops of color and depth to bookshelf decor. Find little pieces of artwork that include colors that will help tie together the room.

7.) Display knickknacks

Aka knickknacks. From little animal figures to food figurines, go to your local antique shop or home store and you’ll come across a lot of options. You don’t want to go overboard with the knickknacks, though. Just a few will do the trick.

8.) Stack books

Instead of lining up books vertically, I love to line them up horizontally in stacks. This helps the bookshelf have some dimension while not following traditions.

9.) Feature a collection

I have a collection of old cameras that I received from my Grandfather. His cameras always find their way on the bookshelves throughout our home. You’ll want to stick with one collection theme throughout the bookshelf design so that you don’t encounter collection overload.

10.) Find balance

Each shelf should achieve balance. Is one side of the shelf feeling or looking a bit heavy? Find a figure or a book that will help balance the two sides. Is one side of the shelf feeling or looking a bit higher than the other side? Find an object to add some height to the other side.

What’s your favorite tip for styling a bookshelf?

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