Labor Day

Labor Day in Gettysburg

Yesterday, I looked at my husband and asked, “Remember when we went to Gettysburg today?” Yes, Labor Day started off like any other day. I woke up early with my son and enjoyed coffee while he ravenously enjoyed his breakfast and looked forward to playing with his toys. Once my husband woke up, we decided…

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Red, White, and Blue Dessert Recipes

Hello, long weekend. As we get ready to enjoy Memorial Day weekend by lighting up the grill, enjoying cocktails, spending time at the beach, relaxing on vacation, and spending time with the ones we love, please don’t forget to hang those American flags and wave them proudly. On Memorial Day, let us all celebrate, remember,…

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Chicken, Spinach, and Tomato Wrap

I have some very exciting news to announce…our air conditioning is finally working! Yes, I’m actually sitting here in a very cool and comfortable house. We can finally enjoy the time spent in the house instead of being incredibly irritable as we try to find ways to escape the heat. Thankfully, the repairman was able…

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