Before my husband heads out the door for work, I always make sure that he has his tupperware container in hand, full of food that will satisfy his dinner cravings. Instead of eating out every night that he works, I love making sure that he has a homemade dinner every night of the week. During…
Grilled Kielbasa and Pesto Penne
What are some of your favorite ingredients to always have in your kitchen? Lately, I’ve been all about trying to maintain a stocked kitchen. From fruits and vegetables to meats and carbs, there’s nothing better than going into my kitchen and challenging myself to create a dish using only the ingredients that I have on…
Grilled Pierogies and Kielbasa with Mustard Vinaigrette
Wow, have I really been away from How To: Simplify for almost a month? My oh my has time flown by over the past couple of weeks. March has definitely been a whirlwind month for us. My weeks have been filled with all sorts of beauty — from the Cherry Blossoms in D.C., to the…