How to Make Homemade Pancakes

Buttermilk Pancakes

Six years ago our paths crossed in the kitchen of my college house. Five years ago we moved into an apartment together. Four years ago he moved to the new city to start our new life. A few weeks after that came the proposal. Weeks later I joined him in the new city. One year…

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Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Do you know what Mardi Gras (aka Fat Tuesday) and Shrove Tuesday have in common? Today, as in the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. According to the Christian calendar, today is the last hurrah before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Whether you call it Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday, one thing is certain, I’m sure many…

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Tips for Making Light & Fluffy Pancakes & Classic Pancake Recipe

Whether you make pancakes from scratch or from the box, they are relatively easy to prepare. Up until this year, I always reached for my trusty box of Bisquick, mixed all of the necessary ingredients and got to work mixing and flipping the flapjacks. One time I went to reach for the box when all…

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Homemade Pancakes

What does my husband love to eat for breakfast? Pancakes, especially if they are blueberry-flavored. I am more of a cereal girl myself but I tend to enjoy them every once in a while. The other morning I set out a bowl, some milk and a spoon. It wasn’t until I opened the cupboard that…

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