Banana Muffins with Crumble Topping

Banana and Chocolate Chip Muffins with Hazelnut Crumb Topping

I spent the past six days in one of the most fascinating cities: New York. The energy, people, fashion and sights were all so inspiring and as soon as I sat down on the bus to head home to D.C. yesterday, a revived sense of motivation washed over me. Walking around the city, meeting amazing…

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Banana Cream Cheese Muffins with Crumb Topping

One of my favorite things happened in the kitchen this morning. I woke up to find ripened bananas hanging from my banana hook. To me, it was a sight for sore eyes and I couldn’t wait to create a baked banana treat.  My husband has been craving a chocolate treat for many days now so…

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Banana Muffins with Crumb Topping

Is it strange that I actually look forward to bananas becoming fully ripened with peels covered in brown spots? Bananas, also known as a climacteric fruit, are able to ripen after being harvested. They are picked and shipped green and then ripen usually while at the store or at home. As you are well aware,…

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