7 Tips on Your Home Renovation

home renovation

The new year breeds the tendency to make lofty resolutions—many of which we have a hard time keeping. If sprucing up the ol’ homestead is at the top of your list of projects for 2017, here are a few simple tips to keep your sights set on realistic home renovation goals.

7 Tips on Your Home Renovation

1) Make Time

Don’t just say, “I’m going to finish renovating the basement”—write down in detail how and when you are going to make time to do this. Time is a precious commodity, and it isn’t just going to fall out of the sky onto your lap. You’re going to have to take time to make time. Maybe you commit to setting aside a few hours three times a week after work. Maybe every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. is go-time. Depending on what your project is, you’re going to have to map out a detailed plan of how much time you’ll need to complete it, and when and how you’ll slot in that time.

2) Budget

This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to let our early-year optimism cloud our apprehension of actual cash flow. Just because you’re hoping to get a raise this year, or a better paying job doesn’t mean you will. Make sure the budget for your project fits your current earnings—not projected.

3) Recruit and Schedule Help

Some bigger home renovations require extra muscle, so if you anticipate this to be the case, ask friends and family for assistance and then let them know exactly when you’ll need them. We all get busy, and you stand a better chance of getting the help you need if you let people know when you’ll need them. Not just “sometime in the Spring.” Give them dates so they don’t make other plans.

4) Identify Your DIY Projects

There are many small home renos you can do in a matter of days—or even hours—by yourself. Think updating your window treatment, or painting the bedroom or refinishing the kitchen table. If there are projects you know you can do yourself and want to undertake, make note of these and refer to tip #1.

5) Identify When You’ll Need Pros

Whether it’s because you can’t tackle a project on your own or just don’t want to, you’re going to want to book time with the professionals of your choice early in the year. The pros get busy, fast, so scheduling time with them not only ensures your project will stay on track, but it also holds you accountable to achieving your goals.

6) Be Prepared

Ever promised to help a buddy move only to show up and find out he doesn’t even have boxes, let alone have everything packed? Don’t be that person. Whether you’re planning a DIY project or recruiting the help of friends or pros, have all your supplies on hand and the space ready to be worked on by the day you’ve set aside for work. Running around to pick up last minute materials will cut into valuable time, and annoy your help.

7) Tell People About It

Voicing your goals out loud actually helps you stay accountable to them, so let people know about your plans. Talk it up. Giving light to your intentions will also help you stay excited about the project. That dark, festering recess in the back of your mind is where good plans go to die.

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  1. I totally agree that you should not make any concrete decisions until you plan your budget. I want to have my house renovated, but before I hire anyone I need to understand how much I will pay. Thanks for the tips, I will surely follow them and hopefully, get a beautiful house in the end!

  2. I liked your tip to schedule specific dates with contractors so they can put aside the needed time for your project. I’ve been wanting to work on my home for a while now, and these tips will definitely help me. I’ll be sure to share these tips with my family.

  3. I am planning to remodel my kitchen soon and I am glad that I found this article because I did not realize there are so many things to consider. You make a great point that it is important to identify the aspects of the project that will require hiring a professional because this way I can book the painting services I need in advance and search around for the best prices. Also, it makes sense that you should make a budget and stick to it because this way I can have peace of mind that I will not overspend on the project.

  4. I guess I’m two years late to make a comment in your post, but I like your advice, so I’m going to go ahead and say my thoughts. I do have a plan to renovate a room this 2019, and I think your advice can come in handy especially to those new comers. I do agree with your notion to know when to call the help of professionals. Renovations especially big scale can demand a lot of time and causes a lot of stress to homeowners, so leaving it to the professionals can spare you a lot of headaches, and this would give you time to focus on other important things that you can take on like interior designing. Thanks for sharing your tips!

  5. You’re right about saying that I should recruit and schedule help for my home renovation, especially since I’m not familiar with how it goes. I think I’ll set a budget for the project so that I can hire someone that fits it. Since I need to identify when I need the pros for the job, I’ll try to plan things out first before looking for someone to help me out.

  6. Thanks for sharing this post. Home renovation is very important as it not only makes your home looks great but it also provide the adequate space that you want. In this post, you have nicely explained the points on home renovation and how it is done. Great post indeed.

  7. Thanks for sharing this post. Home renovation is very important as it not only makes your home looks great but it also provide the adequate space that you want. In this post, you have nicely explained the points on home renovation and how it is done. Great post indeed

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