sausage recipe

Gemelli with Asparagus and Sausage in a Ricotta Cheese Sauce

Spaghetti, Vermicelli, Bucatini, Fusilli, Manicotti, Garganelli, Rigatoni…when it comes to pasta noodles, the types are endless. One of my favorite aisles in the grocery store is the past section because I love to peruse all the different options and think about recipes that I can create using various types of pastas. The last time I…

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Sausage and Chicken Gumbo

Thanks to his line of work, my husband’s work schedule can be a little…what’s the right word…strange…and maybe even hard to follow. There are some weeks where he works a ton of days in a row and then there are others where he doesn’t have to work for six days in a row…which is what…

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