
Pea, Bean, and Noodle Soup

Excuse me while I let out a huge sigh of relief. Why? All throughout this pregnancy, I’ve been watching my every move, trying to make sure that I do everything just right, and educating myself on all of the ins and outs of providing for our baby. From food to vitamins, from exercise to sleep,…

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Chicken, Sausage, and Kale Stew

My favorite items to peruse and shop for are kitchen tools, supplies, and gadgets. I love pitchers, serving trays, bowls, plates, silverware (old and new), bakeware, and cookware…just to name a few. Sadly, though, life in a D.C. rowhouse means that storage space is limited.  Even though I’m slowly but surely running out of space…

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{Tips & Tricks} Cooking with Legumes

What is a legume? Well, besides a fun word to say, it describes a class of vegetable that includes beans, peas, and lentils — also known as some of my favorite foods. Not only are these little pieces of heaven healthy, they are also versatile and nutritious. They are typically low in fat, contain no…

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