
Cute Ways to Feel Warmer During the Holidays

The temperature is dropping quickly. Add in the non-stop rain that we’ve received this past week and I can feel winter in the air. With the Christmas decor placed throughout the home, is it wrong of me to say that I’m looking forward to the first snowfall? Watching my almost two-year-old son exclaim “wow!” when…

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Tropical Punch Recipe

Every night, we put my son in his plastic car and take a walk through the neighborhood. We love watching our son point out the planes in the air as my husband and I chat about the day. During most of the walks, we end up adding to our home to do list with different…

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Hush Puppies Recipe

What’s my favorite kind of food? That’s easy. Southern. From the collard greens to the macaroni and cheese, from the ribs to the pulled pork, from the corn bread to the hush puppies … all day … every day … every way. I have such a strong love of Southern food that it’s verging on…

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Fruit Recipes for the Spring

Open our refrigerator and you’ll most likely find fruit carton after fruit carton. From blueberries to strawberries, blackberries to raspberries, we always need to make sure that we have a lot of fruit to keep our “fruit fly” happy. One of the great things about our son is that he’s not picky when it comes…

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Paradise Margarita

During errands today, I looked down at the temperature reading on the dashboard of the car and it read 90 degrees. People. Warm weather is here. Finally. So, naturally, when DOLE asked me to feature their Paradise Margarita recipe as part of the “Year of Sunshine” celebration, how could I resist, especially since paradise weather is…

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