
Entertaining Tip: Coffee and House Guests

What’s one of the first things that people do in the morning? They make a cup of coffee. Some people cannot function until they have their first sip of coffee … or until they have enjoyed their first cup of coffee. Before your house guests arrive, be sure to have plenty of coffee, various types…

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Entertaining Tip: White vs. Colorful Plates

Are you a white plate person or a colorful plate person? In my opinion, from photographing food to serving food, the use of white plates can help make a dish look appetizing and bring out a recipe’s best features. The blank canvas that a white plate provides simply allows the food to be the star….

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Hosting a Pizza Party

I might be a little territorial when it comes to my kitchen but I do welcome company at my kitchen’s barstools while I prepare the appetizers, main entrees, side dishes and desserts during dinner parties. I love chit chatting and catching up with family and friends as I prepare the meal. Recently, I decided to…

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Table Setting 101: Basics and Guidelines

With some very special holidays right around the corner, you might be hosting a few social gatherings at your house. One of the most feared tasks to do when planning a dinner party is setting the table. Many people initially think that properly setting the table is extremely difficult and oftentimes tricky. I’m here to…

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