
Perfect Rustic Apple Tart

Over the past few weeks I have been a baking machine. My oven has been busy baking yummy treats such as orange muffins, blueberry muffins, chocolate chip cookies and browned chocolate wafers. Even though all of these little creations were to die for, the best thing to come out of the oven this week was…

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Shopping List for the Bare-Bone Kitchen Essentials

As you probably already know, one of the greatest money savers is cooking at home. Although, sometimes this might be hard for you to believe, especially when you open up your cookbooks and see recipes that require well over 20 ingredients. But, did you know that you can prepare tasty, simple foods at home easily…

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Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Cheese, Tomato and Asparagus

Are you tired of making the same old chicken dish? Looking to change it up a bit? Why not stuff chicken breasts with some of your favorite goodies? This might look a little difficult but don’t worry…it’s super easy. All you have to do is take a chicken breast and cut a pocket in the…

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The Best Meatloaf

My father-in-law was in town over the weekend and we had a BBQ at our house on Sunday evening. As a side, I decided to make garlic, mashed, red-skin potatoes. Because it was three hungry men and me, I made a lot of mashed potatoes in hopes to appease their appetites. Well, I ended up…

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Baked Ziti

For anyone that knows me first-hand, you know that my love for pasta is a bit over-the-top. I swear I could eat pasta bolognese every day if I didn’t have to cook for my husband. A few months ago I had a mad craving for something different in the world of pasta. The best part…

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Are you in need of a good brownie recipe? You’re in luck! This recipe will definitely knock the socks off of your family and friends. These brownies come out looking like normal brownies on the outside but the inside texture is similar to that of a chocolate cake. Seriously. They are amazingly delicious…and super easy…

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