
Chocolate and White Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies

There’s something to be said about friendships. There are those friends who you could go years without talking to and then pick back up right where you left off. There are those friends who will always be there for you — no matter the issue, distance, or circumstance. There are those friends who you can’t…

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How To Add Texture to Baked Treats

Disclaimer: I was compensated for this post by Lindt. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I have a confession. I’m incredibly, overwhelmingly, and unconditionally in love with chocolate thanks to this pregnancy. I’m telling you, this baby has really opened up my eyes to the wonderful world of chocolate and I cannot get…

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Peanut Butter and White Chocolate Chip Cookies

When I was in Michigan last weekend, fall definitely made an appearance. Upon arrival, the temperature was a bit on the warmer side. By the time the car was packed and ready to head south after a wonderful weekend spent with family and friends, we were bundled up in fall clothes due to the chill…

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Brownies with White Chocolate Chips and Chocolate Drizzle

When my husband and I were in Michigan over the summer revealing our big surprise, we went out on my parent’s boat to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Nugget. While out on the boat, we were so excited to tell my parent’s friends all about our surprise because my husband and I knew that all…

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Cherry Brown Butter Bars

Something absolutely amazing happened. Something that will forever stick out in my mind. Something that will be one of my most memorable moments. This past Monday I shared a few minutes with my husband that I will never forget. What happened? He felt the baby move. Simply put, it was an incredible moment in time…

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5 Ingredient Nutella Cookies

What has really been interesting to me during this whole pregnancy has been the changes that my body has gone through. With an athletic body (yes, I was a tomboy growing up and, to this day, I love to play sports), watching my body transform to create a nice and cozy home for baby Nugget…

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Pea, Bean, and Noodle Soup

Excuse me while I let out a huge sigh of relief. Why? All throughout this pregnancy, I’ve been watching my every move, trying to make sure that I do everything just right, and educating myself on all of the ins and outs of providing for our baby. From food to vitamins, from exercise to sleep,…

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